
Booking online

The booking online feature offered by our company can be represented by two different types of service. For large companies that have their own communication services through XML/JSON protocols, we offer the possibility to request prices and availability, bookings, their changes and cancellations via an XML gateway developed by our IT specialists that functions in accordance with the Open Travel 2.0 standard. Companies that do not have these facilities can make reservations by using the online booking system on our website. To get access to the reservation system please contact the management of the company, to sign a contract and get the necessary information. We will promptly answer all your questions and help you in accessing and understanding the booking services.


Travellers support

To ensure continuous contact with tourists at their holiday locations, we are developing a service to establish and maintain communication with clients not only through our employees - travel guides and assistants who meet guests at the airport and accompany them to hotels, as well as set up info-meetings in hotels, as is standard in the industry, but also through the Travelers Support service, which consists of creating a multichannel messaging service in messengers and chat apps between tourists and remote employees of the service to promptly solve arising issues, to provide the necessary information in a timely manner and to establish constant contact with customers. At the moment the system provides access to the tourist voucher number to communicate with the service center in English via online chat and Telegram messenger. For more information about the service please contact the management of the company.
